The One And Only Anne Hathaway Website
Words from Shaun Dunham

Message From 2000:

For those of you who do not know who Anne Hathaway is. She is the very talented young actress of the new and award winning Fox show called 'Get Real'. I made this page for her in appreciation for extraordinary talent for acting and the credibility of the show. It is very amazing and it is my favorite. Anne Hathaway is also my favorite actress and I think that Clyde Phillips is a genius for creating such a riveting and realistic story. Thank you for visiting!

Message From 2011:

This is pretty crazy. I accidently came across my own site from 11 years ago. Little does everyone know but this was the first Anne Hathaway site on the internet. She was still unknown and had only acted in FOX's Get Real for the one season it aired. I don't know why but I remember my password from 11 years ago and decided to finally update the site. Everything will be slightly revamped. She was good on last night's Oscars wasn't she?


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